
Hakaru uses the computer algebra system Maple to aid in performing program transformations. You can use this functionality of Hakaru if you have Maple installed locally or can access Maple remotely.

Maple can be accessed through the module Language.Hakaru.Maple or through the Hakaru program hk-maple.

The hk-maple command invokes a Maple command on a Hakaru program. Given a Hakaru program in concrete syntax and a Maple-Hakaru command, typecheck the program invoke the Maple command on the program and its type pretty print, parse and typecheck the program resulting from Maple. See the --help flag of hk-maple for more information.

The currently available Maple-Hakaru commands (also called subcommands):

Note: calls to Maple may take a very long time. To see if your program is taking an appreciable amount of time to parse and typecheck, use the --debug flag.



Hakaru programs are interpreted by Maple as linear operators. In this interpretation, many commonly understood (by Maple) and powerful tools for simplification become available. The metric for simplification as understood by this command is sampling efficiency. Simplify attempts to be as conservative as possible in changing the given program. In particular, it should not change terms unless an improvement with respect to sampling is performed; in this case, arbitrary rearrangement may happen, even if an expression more similair to the original could be produced.

Simplify is the default subcommand.

Simplify preserves the semantics of the given program up to normalization of weights. If the stronger sense of equivalence is needed, the output of Simplify can be passed to normalize.

Historical note: the Simplify subcommand of hk-maple used to be known as a separate command named simplify. If you encounter simplify someprog.hk <options> in any documentation, you may replace it by hk-maple -c Simplify someprog.hk <options>.


The Maple disintegrator is an alternative implementation of the program transformation described in Disintegrate. Semantically, the Maple disintegrator and Haskell disintegrator implement the same transformation. In particular, their outputs are not (often) identical, but have equivalent sampling semantics. In practice, the ouputs may differ, since one may fail where the other succeeds.

If in doubt about which disintegrator to use, consider the following order:

  1. disintegrate x
  2. disintegrate x | hk-maple -
  3. hk-maple --command disintegrate x
  4. hk-maple x | disintegrate -
  5. etc…

All of the above programs should be equivalent as samplers.

The disintegrator internally relies heavily on the Simplify command, so if the given problem is an easy disintegration problem but a difficult simplification problem, it is preferred to use the Haskell disintegrator followed by a call to Simplify.

The chance that the Maple disintegrator produces a good program (or any program at all) is proportional to the type of program it is given. In addition to programs whose disintegration by Haskell is not efficient as a sampler, the following programs are good candidates:

The Maple disintegrator follows the same conventions as the Haskell disintegrator.

Like Simplify, Disintegrate preserves the semantics of the given program only up to normalization of weights.


Recall that our simplifier generates sampler code such as

    fn as array(prob):
     fn z array(nat):
      fn t array(real):
       fn docUpdate nat:
        array zNew of size(as):
         ... (summate _b from 0 to size(as):
               ... (summate i from 0 to size(t):
                     if _b == (if i == docUpdate: zNew else: z[i]):
                     else: 0) ...) ...

(that’s from examples/gmm_gibbs.hk) and

    fn topic_prior array(prob):
     fn word_prior array(prob):
      fn z array(nat):
       fn w array(nat):
        fn doc array(nat):
         fn docUpdate nat:
          ... (array zNew of size(topic_prior):
                product k from 0 to size(topic_prior):
                 product i from 0 to size(word_prior):
                  ... (summate j from 0 to size(w):
                        if doc[j] == docUpdate:
                         if k == zNew && i == w[j]: 1 else: 0
                        else: 0) ...) ...

(that’s from examples/naive_bayes_gibbs.hk). In this Hakaru code, fn makes a function (whose argument type is explicit), and array, summate, and product are looping constructs. In particular, the innermost loops (summate i and summate j) run many times due to the outer loops. Furthermore, most iterations of the innermost loops produce 0 and so don’t contribute to the result. We can dramatically speed up this computation by precomputing a “summary” outside the loops then replacing the innermost loop by an expression that reuses the summary rather than looping.

To understand our current approach to this optimization, let’s look at a simpler example. Suppose the innermost loop is merely

    summate i from 0 to size(t):
     if _b == z[i]: t[i] else: 0

where the free variable _b denotes a natural number known to be bounded by size(as). This loop denotes a real number that depends on _b and the arrays z and t. It turns out that we can rewrite it to the equivalent expression

    let summary = Bucket i from 0 to size(t):
                   Index _b = z[i] of size(as):
                    Add t[i]
    in summary[_b]

where the capitalized keywords are newly introduced to support this optimization. The variable summary is bound to an array whose size is size(as) and whose element at each index _b is the sum of those t[i] whose corresponding z[i] matches _b. A good way to compute the summary on sequential hardware is to initialize the summary to an all-zero mutable array then

    for i from 0 to size(t):
     summary[z[i]] += t[i]

A good way to compute the summary on parallel hardware is to divide the data among the cores and summarize each portion in parallel then sum the summaries elementwise. The Bucket construct just introduced can carry out either of these implementation strategies, by accordingly interpreting the sub-language of map-reduce loops that Index and Add are part of. (Hence realizing this optimization from end to end in Hakaru calls for adding the capitalized constructs to the Hakaru grammar and extending the code generator(s) to handle them.)

Out of context, the let-expression above seems like a waste because it computes a summary then uses only one element of it. But the right-hand-side of the summary-binding does not contain _b free, only t and z and as, because the occurrences of i and _b are not uses but bindings. So, as an instance of loop-invariant code motion, we can move the let-binding out of the loop over _b, and reuse the same summary across all iterations over _b. This way, we cut time complexity by a factor of size(as) (the number of iterations over _b).

To pave the way for loop-invariant code motion, the summary should depend on as few inner-scoped variables as possible. This goal is illustrated by the very first example above (from gmm_gibbs.hk). Following the footsteps of the let-expression above, the summate i expression is equivalent to

    let summary = Bucket i from 0 to size(t):
                   Index _b = (if i == docUpdate: zNew else: z[i]) of size(as):
                    Add t[i]
    in summary[_b]

but this summary depends on zNew (and on docUpdate). Our prototype implementation of summarization finds a better rewrite:

    let summary = Bucket i from 0 to size(t):
                   Split i == docUpdate:
                    Fanout(Add t[i], Nop)
                    Index _b = z[i] of size(as):
                     Add t[i]
    in (if _b == zNew: fst(fst(summary)) else: 0) + snd(summary)[_b]

The type of this summary is not array(real) but pair(pair(real,unit), array(real)). The array(real) summarizes those i that are not equal to docUpdate, whereas the pair(real,unit) turns out to be equal to (t[docUpdate],()). The check _b == zNew is postponed until the body of the let, so the summary does not depend on zNew and can be moved out of the array zNew loop, reducing time complexity by another factor of size(as).

Another way to understand this optimization is that we use loop exchange to move the innermost loop out, then sum sparse arrays inside.

At least for the examples above, it turns out to be not very difficult to automate rewriting a summate loop into a let-expression of the form

    let summary = Bucket i...
    in ...summary...

whose body does not loop over i. The automatic rewriting traverses the body of the original loop, using a set of rewriting rules – one for each of Index, Add, Split, Fanout, and Nop – that are easy to pretend for expository purposes to have been derived by equational reasoning from the monoidal denotational semantics of the newly introduced constructs. The trick is as usual to design the map-reduce sub-language right. The design notes below provide some details, couched somewhat in Maple syntax.

The summarization optimization can be accessed with hk-maple -c Summarize, which only calls Summarize on the input program, and with summary, which calls Summarize as well as generating Haskell code corresponding to the summarized program. The summary command has its own options regarding the generation of Haskell code; see summary --help for details.

The language of mapreductions:

A mapreduction mr denotes a monoid along with a map from indices (i) to monoid elements (such as e being t[i]). There is an implicit index ‘i’, allowed to appear in e and cond.

  mr ::= Fanout(mr,mr) | Index(n,o,e,mr) | Split(cond,mr,mr) | Nop() | Add(e)

Run-time helpers:

  Bucket(mr, i=rng) =
    summary := Init(mr);
    for iv=rng do Accum(i, iv, mr, summary) end do;
    return summary
  Init(Fanout(mr1, mr2))      = [Init(mr1), Init(mr2)]
  Init(Index(n, o, e, mr))    = [seq(Init(mr), o=0..n-1)]
  Init(Split(cond, mr1, mr2)) = [Init(mr1), Init(mr2)]
  Init(Nop())                 = []
  Init(Add(e))                = 0
  Accum(i, iv, Fanout(mr1, mr2), summary) =
    Accum(i, iv, mr1, summary[1]);
    Accum(i, iv, mr2, summary[2]);
  Accum(i, iv, Index(n, o, e, mr), summary) =
    ov := eval(e, i=iv);
    if o::nonnegint and o<n then Accum(i, iv, mr, summary[ov+1]) end if;
  Accum(i, iv, Split(cond, mr1, mr2), summary) =
    if eval(cond, i=iv) then Accum(i, iv, mr1, summary[1])
                        else Accum(i, iv, mr2, summary[2]) end if;
  Accum(i, iv, Nop(), summary) = ;
  Accum(i, iv, Add(e), summary) = summary += eval(e, i=iv);


  If [mr, f] = summarize(e, kb, i)
  then f(Bucket(mr, i=rng)) = sum(e, i=rng)
  and we try to make mr depend on as little as possible


  summarize(C[piecewise(cond,a,b)], kb, i) =
    [Fanout(mr1, mr2),
     summary -> piecewise(cond, f1(summary[1]), f2(summary[2]))]
    where [mr1, f1] = summarize(C[a], kb, i)
          [mr2, f2] = summarize(C[b], kb, i)
    if not depends(cond, i)

Choose between the two rules below by outermosting the variables in indets(e,name) minus {i} versus indets(cond,name) minus {i}

  summarize(piecewise(o=e,a,0), kb, i) =
    [Index(n, o, e, mr),
     summary -> piecewise(o::nonnegint and o<n, f(summary[o+1]), 0)]
    where [mr, f] = summarize(a, kb, i)
    if not depends(o, i) and kb entails ((o::nonnegint and o<n) or
                                         (e::nonnegint and i<n))

  summarize(C[piecewise(cond,a,b)], kb, i) =
    [Split(cond, mr1, mr2),
     summary -> f1(summary[1]) + f2(summary[2])]
    where [mr1, f1] = summarize(C[a], kb, i)
          [mr2, f2] = summarize(C[b], kb, i)

  summarize(0, kb, i) = [Nop(), summary -> 0]

  summarize(e, kb, i) = [Add(e), summary -> summary]



This program takes in a value of type prob and returns a measure of type real:

fn a prob:
  x <~ normal(a,1)
  y <~ normal(x,1)
  z <~ normal(y,1)
  return z

The returned value, z, is generated by passing the last value generated by the function, starting with the original function argument. This indicates that it might be reducible to a smaller program. Assuming that we named the program simplify_before.hk, we can call the Simplify transform by running:

hk-maple simplify_before.hk

Note: The output for Simplify will be printed in the console. You can easily save this program to a file by redirecting the output to a file by calling hk-maple model1.hk > model2.hk. For this example, we will call our new program simplify_after.hk.

When you open our new program, simplify_after.hk, you will see that the original five-line program has been reduced to a single line:

fn a prob: normal(prob2real(a), sqrt(3))


The following examples are simplified versions of the Borel-Kolmogorov paradox. Both programs choose x and y uniformly from the range 0..1 and return a pair consisting of a polynomial P(x,y) and the coordinates x and y themselves.

 $ pretty examples/borel-sub.hk
x <~ uniform(nat2real(0), nat2real(1))
y <~ uniform(nat2real(0), nat2real(1))
return (y - nat2real(2) * x, (x, y))
 $ pretty examples/borel-div.hk
x <~ uniform(nat2real(0), nat2real(1))
y <~ uniform(nat2real(0), nat2real(1))
return (y / x, (x, y))

Disintegrating these two programs produces results which immediately reject values of P(x,y) which are impossible (e.g. y/x cannot be less than zero for x,y in [0,1] x [0,1]). For remaining permitted values of x and y, y is parametrized in terms of x; that is, the equation P(x,y)=0 is solved for x.

 $ hk-maple -c Disint examples/borel-sub.hk
fn t1 real:
if +1/1 < t1 || t1 < -2/1: reject. measure(pair(real, real))
  if -2/1 < t1 && t1 < -1/1:
      (real2prob(+1/1 + t1 * (+1/2)),
       x9 <~ uniform(t1 * (-1/2), +1/1)
       return (x9, x9 * (+2/1) + t1))
    if -1/1 < t1 && t1 < +0/1:
         x9 <~ uniform(t1 * (-1/2), t1 * (-1/2) + (+1/2))
         return (x9, x9 * (+2/1) + t1))
        (real2prob(t1 * (-1/2) + (+1/2)),
         x9 <~ uniform(+0/1, t1 * (-1/2) + (+1/2))
         return (x9, x9 * (+2/1) + t1))
 $ hk-maple -c Disint borel-div.hk
fn t1 real:
if t1 < +0/1: reject. measure(pair(real, real))
  if +1/1 < t1:
      (real2prob(1/ t1),
       x9 <~ uniform(+0/1, 1/ t1)
       weight(real2prob(x9), return (x9, x9 * t1)))
       x9 <~ beta(2/1, 1/1)
       return (prob2real(x9), prob2real(x9) * t1))


These examples are given in Maple syntax as opposed to typical examples in Hakaru syntax.

First “summate i” in offshore under gmm_gibbs.hk

summarize(piecewise(_b=piecewise(i=docUpdate,zNew,z[i]),t[i],0), kb, i)
  [Split(i=docUpdate, Fanout(Add(t[i]), Nop()),
                        Index(size(as), _b, z[i], Add(t[i]))),
     summary -> piecewise(_b=zNew, summary[1][1], 0) + summary[2][_b+1]]

      Recursive call to summarize assuming i=docUpdate is true:
      summarize(piecewise(_b=zNew,t[i],0), kb, i)
      = [Fanout(Add(t[i]), Nop()), summary -> piecewise(_b=zNew, summary[1], 0)]

      Recursive call to summarize assuming i=docUpdate is false:
      summarize(piecewise(_b=z[i],t[i],0), kb, i)
      = [Index(size(as), _b, z[i], Add(t[i])), summary -> summary[_b+1]]

          summarize(t[i], kb, i)
          = [Add(t[i]), summary -> summary]

First “summate j” in offshore under naive_bayes_gibbs.hk

  summarize(piecewise(doc[j]=docUpdate,piecewise(k=zNew,piecewise(i=w[j],1,0),0),0), kb, j)
  = [Fanout(Index(size(word_prior), i, w[j], Index(size(z), docUpdate, doc[j], Add(1))),
            Index(size(z), docUpdate, doc[j], Nop())),
     summary -> piecewise(k=zNew, summary[1][w[j]+1][docUpdate+1]], 0)]

      Recursive call to summarize assuming k=zNew is true:
      summarize(piecewise(doc[j]=docUpdate,piecewise(i=w[j],1,0),0), kb, j)
      = [Index(size(word_prior), i, w[j], Index(size(z), docUpdate, doc[j], Add(1))),
         summary -> summary[w[j]+1][docUpdate+1]]

          Recursive call to summarize assuming i=w[j]:
          summarize(piecewise(doc[j]=docUpdate,1,0), kb, j)
          = [Index(size(z), docUpdate, doc[j], Add(1)),
             summary -> summary[docUpdate+1]]

      Recursive call to summarize assuming k=zNew is false:
      summarize(piecewise(doc[j]=docUpdate,0,0), kb, j)
      = [Index(size(z), docUpdate, doc[j], Nop()),
         summary -> 0]