Installing Hakaru

You can download Hakaru by cloning the latest version from our GitHub repository:

git clone

Hakaru can be installed by using either stack install or cabal install inside the hakaru directory. One way that you can access these tools is by installing the Haskell Platform which supports Linux, OSX, and Windows operating systems.

If you are using stack, you can install and verify your installation of Hakaru by running the commands:

stack install
stack test

You can find the output of stack test in the .stack-work/logs/hakaru-0.4.0-test.txt file.

If you are using cabal, you can install Hakaru by running the commands:

cabal update    
cabal install -j --only-dependencies --enable-tests
cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal build
cabal install
cabal test

On Windows systems, you can use the stack and cabal commands by running them in a Linux shell such as Cygwin or Git Bash.

Note: If you want to use cabal and have installed the Haskell Platform, you might need to add a reference to the directory containing cabal.exe to the PATH environment variable.

If you are using GHC 7.10 or earlier on a Windows system and want to use the cabal command, you must install the logfloat dependency manually after running cabal update due to a GHC bug:

cabal update    
cabal install -j logfloat -f -useffi
cabal install -j --only-dependencies --enable-tests
cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal build
cabal install
cabal test

Extending Hakaru with Maple

Hakaru uses Maple to perform computer-algebra guided optimizations. You must have a licensed copy of Maple installed to access this component of the Hakaru language.

On Linux systems, Hakaru can be setup to use Maple by running:

export LOCAL_MAPLE="`which maple`"
cd hakaru/maple
echo 'libname := "/path-to-hakaru/hakaru/maple",libname:' >> ~/.mapleinit
maple update-archive.mpl

where “path-to-hakaru” must be an explicit path (i.e. do not use ~ even if maple is installed in a sub-directory of your home directory).

On Windows systems, Hakaru can be setup to use Maple by performing the following steps in Administrator mode:

  1. Create a User Environment Variable LOCAL_MAPLE using the Windows command prompt (cmd) by running:

    SETX LOCAL_MAPLE "<path to Maple bin directory>\cmaple.exe"

    This variable can also be created via the Advanced System Properties.

    Note: You might need to restart your computer for the variable to be recognized.

  2. Add the path to cmaple.exe to your PATH system environment variable. This can be done via the Advanced System Properties.

    Note: You might need to restart your computer for the variable to be recognized.

  3. In the Windows command prompt (cmd), create a file maple.ini by running:

    echo libname := "C:\\<path to hakaru>\\hakaru\\maple",libname: >> "C:\<path to maple>\lib\maple.ini"

  4. In the Windows command prompt (cmd), Navigate to the hakaru\maple directory and run:

    cmaple update-archive.mpl

Testing Your Maple Installation with Hakaru

If you have correctly installaed Hakaru’s Maple extension, running echo "normal(0,1)" | hk-maple -c Simplify - in a bash command line will return normal(0, 1). If you get an error about hk-maple not being found, you may need to adjust your PATH environment variable to point to where cabal installed Hakaru.

If you have not set the LOCAL_MAPLE environment variable, then the hk-maple command might try to locate a SSH file that might not exist on your machine to try and access a remote installation of Maple.