Tutorial: Hakaru Workflow for a Continuous Model

The real world is a complex and unpredictable place, so many statistical problems involve random real numbers. Hakaru is able to tackle these real world problems using a similar approach to the one used for discrete models. To illustrate this workflow, the calibration of thermometers is used1.

In this scenario, we are building thermometers that measure the temperature of a room. A reliable thermometer here relies on two attributes:

In order to calibrate our thermometers, we want to approximate these values as accurately as possible so that our thermometers can tune its measurements based on its knowledge of temperature and measurement noise in the environment.


For our thermometer model, we must first make a few assumptions about the environment. Normally this information would be collected as part of the problem’s domain knowledge. For this example, we will use the following information:

Our model starts with the definition of the temperature and measurement noise. From our assumptions, we know that these values follow a uniform distribution with real number intervals. In addition to defining distributions for these values, we will also use coercions to cast the values from real to prob values:

nT <~ uniform(3,8)
nM <~ uniform(1,4)

noiseT = real2prob(nT)
noiseM = real2prob(nM)

Note: See Let and Bind for usage differences.

The values generated for noiseT and noiseM are used as the standard deviation required by the normal primitive probability distribution when generating values for temperature (t1, t2) and measurement (m1, m2).

For temperature, we need two values. The first is a temperature centered about the initial room temperature (21C) and the second is a future room temperature centered about the the first measured temperature. Both follow a normal distribution with a standard deviation of noiseT:

t1 <~ normal(21, noiseT)
t2 <~ normal(t1, noiseT)

Temperature measurements are centered about the temperature value being measured, therefore the values t1 and t2 are used. We made the initial assumption that measurement values follow a normal distribution, and we have generated noiseM as the standard deviation:

m1 <~ normal(t1, noiseM)
m2 <~ normal(t2, noiseM)

Finally, we must return the information that we are interested in from our model. For measurement tuning, we are interested in the values of m1 and m2. We would also like to know what kind of noise was generated in our model, noiseT and noiseM. We will package these values together in related pairs. Instead of returning two seperate pairs of information, we will encapsulate the sets into a container pair:

return ((m1, m2), (noiseT, noiseM))

The return statement completes our model definition. We have defined two values, noiseT and noiseM, to represent the environmental noise in the temperature and measurement samples. We generated two room temperatures, t1 and t2, which we used to generate the dependent measurement samples m1 and m2. Once all the values have been generated, we return an information set containing the two measurement samples and the environmental noise. With our completed model, we can use Hakaru program transformations to determine plausible thermometer calibration values.


To calibrate our thermometers, we need to know how differences in environmental noises affect temperature measurements. For our scenario, this means that we want to know what the conditional distribution on environmental noise given the measurement data. Unlike the discrete model example, this problem would be extremely difficult to reason about without transforming it in any way.

To generate a conditional distribution for this problem, we will use Hakaru’s disintegrate transform. This transformation requires that the target model have a return statement that presents information in the order of known information followed by unknown information. We have already configured our model in this manner, so we can run the disintegrate transform immediately:

fn x8 pair(real, real):
match x8:
(x25, x26):
  nT <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
  nM <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
  noiseT = real2prob(nT)
  noiseM = real2prob(nM)
  t1 <~ normal(+21/1, noiseT)
  t2 <~ normal(t1, noiseT)
  x28 <~ weight
           (exp((-(x25 - t1) ^ 2) / prob2real(2/1 * noiseM ^ 2))
            / noiseM
            / sqrt(2/1 * pi),
            return ())
  x27 <~ weight
           (exp((-(x26 - t2) ^ 2) / prob2real(2/1 * noiseM ^ 2))
            / noiseM
            / sqrt(2/1 * pi),
            return ())
  return (noiseT, noiseM)
_: reject. measure(pair(prob, prob))

An additional Hakaru transformation that can be performed at this stage is the Hakaru-Maple simplify subcommand. This will call Maple to algebraically simplify Hakaru models. The result is a more efficient program, sampling from two uniform distributions instead of four.

fn x8 pair(real, real):
match x8:
(r3, r1):
    (1/ pi * (1/2),
     nTd <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
     nMb <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
          ((nMb ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
            + nMb ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2
            + nTd ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
            + nTd ^ 2 * r1 * r3 * (-2/1)
            + nTd ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2 * (+2/1)
            + nMb ^ 2 * r1 * (-42/1)
            + r3 * nMb ^ 2 * (-42/1)
            + r3 * nTd ^ 2 * (-42/1)
            + nMb ^ 2 * (+882/1)
            + nTd ^ 2 * (+441/1))
           / (nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)
           * (-1/2))
        / sqrt(real2prob(nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)),
        return (real2prob(nTd), real2prob(nMb))))

The two models are equivalent, so you must decide which model that you want to use for your application. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will use the unsimplified version of the model (thermometer_disintegrate.hk).

Our thermometer model is two dimensional, so it is possible for us to tune our model values using importance sampling or an exhaustive search. However, these approaches will not be possible in higher dimensions. Therefore, we will use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method called Metropolis-Hastings to demonstrate how Hakaru can be used for problems with high dimensionality. To use the Metropolis-Hastings transform, you must have a target distribution and a transition kernel. The thermometer model that we have already built will be our target distribution, but we have yet to create the transition kernel.

When specifying a model to be the transition kernel, our goal is to propose samples that are representative of the posterior model. For this example, we will hold one of the noise parameters constant will updating the other by drawing new values from a uniform distribution. This allows the sampler to remember a good setting for a parameter when one is found, allowing it to concentrate on the remaining parameters:

fn noise pair(prob, prob):
          match noise:
           (noiseTprev, noiseMprev):
                    noiseTprime <~ uniform(3,8)
                    return (real2prob(noiseTprime), noiseMprev)) <|>
                   noiseMprime <~ uniform(1,4)
                   return (noiseTprev, real2prob(noiseMprime)))

Note: Like any model in Hakaru, this program can be passed to other program transformations such as hk-maple.


With both our target distribution and transition kernel defined, we can now use the Metropolis-Hastings method to transform our program. However, instead of calling mh in the command prompt, we will include it as part of our Hakaru program by using the mcmc(<kernel>, <target>) syntactic transform:

        fn noise pair(prob, prob):
          match noise:
           (noiseTprev, noiseMprev):
                    noiseTprime <~ uniform(3,8)
                    return (real2prob(noiseTprime), noiseMprev)) <|>
                   noiseMprime <~ uniform(1,4)
                   return (noiseTprev, real2prob(noiseMprime))))
          fn x8 pair(real, real):
            match x8:
            (r3, r1):
                (1/ pi * (1/2),
                 nTd <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
                 nMb <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
                      ((nMb ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                        + nMb ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r1 * r3 * (-2/1)
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2 * (+2/1)
                        + nMb ^ 2 * r1 * (-42/1)
                        + r3 * nMb ^ 2 * (-42/1)
                        + r3 * nTd ^ 2 * (-42/1)
                        + nMb ^ 2 * (+882/1)
                        + nTd ^ 2 * (+441/1))
                       / (nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)
                       * (-1/2))
                    / sqrt(real2prob(nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)),
                    return (real2prob(nTd), real2prob(nMb)))))

Note: Each model within the mcmc syntax must be wrapped within another syntactic transform. For this example, we are using the simplify transform.

The mcmc syntactic transform must also be wrapped in a Hakaru function that has the same type signature as the target model. Due to the self-referential nature of MCMC methods, this function is referenced at the end of the target model’s definition. We will call this function recurse:

fn recurse pair(real, real):
        fn noise pair(prob, prob):
          match noise:
           (noiseTprev, noiseMprev):
                    noiseTprime <~ uniform(3,8)
                    return (real2prob(noiseTprime), noiseMprev)) <|>
                   noiseMprime <~ uniform(1,4)
                   return (noiseTprev, real2prob(noiseMprime))))
          fn x8 pair(real, real):
            match x8:
            (r3, r1):
                (1/ pi * (1/2),
                 nTd <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
                 nMb <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
                      ((nMb ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                        + nMb ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r1 * r3 * (-2/1)
                        + nTd ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2 * (+2/1)
                        + nMb ^ 2 * r1 * (-42/1)
                        + r3 * nMb ^ 2 * (-42/1)
                        + r3 * nTd ^ 2 * (-42/1)
                        + nMb ^ 2 * (+882/1)
                        + nTd ^ 2 * (+441/1))
                       / (nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)
                       * (-1/2))
                    / sqrt(real2prob(nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)),
                    return (real2prob(nTd), real2prob(nMb)))))(recurse)

Our MCMC transform is now defined and ready to be processed. To convert this model into a form understood by the hakaru command, you must run the hk-maple transform:

$ hk-maple examples/documentation/thermometer_mcmc.hk
fn recurse pair(real, real):
x5 = x17 = fn x16 pair(prob, prob):
           * (1/1)
           * (match x16:
              (x35, x36):
                x37 = prob2real(x35)
                x38 = prob2real(x36)
                match recurse:
                (r3, r1):
                  1/ pi
                  * (1/2)
                  * (match +3/1 <= x37 && x37 <= +8/1:
                       1/ real2prob(+8/1 - (+3/1))
                       * (nTdd = prob2real(x35)
                          match +1/1 <= x38 && x38 <= +4/1:
                            1/ real2prob(+4/1 - (+1/1))
                            * (x44 = ()
                               nMbb = prob2real(x36)
                                 ((nMbb ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                                   + nMbb ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2
                                   + nTdd ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
                                   + nTdd ^ 2 * r1 * r3 * (-2/1)
                                   + nTdd ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2 * (+2/1)
                                   + nMbb ^ 2 * r1 * (-42/1)
                                   + nMbb ^ 2 * r3 * (-42/1)
                                   + nTdd ^ 2 * r3 * (-42/1)
                                   + nMbb ^ 2 * (+882/1)
                                   + nTdd ^ 2 * (+441/1))
                                  / (nMbb ^ 4 + nMbb ^ 2 * nTdd ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTdd ^ 4)
                                  * (-1/2))
                               / sqrt
                                   (real2prob(nMbb ^ 4 + nMbb ^ 2 * nTdd ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTdd ^ 4))
                               * (1/1))
                          _: 0/1)
                     _: 0/1)
                _: 0/1
              _: 0/1)
     fn x16 pair(prob, prob):
     x0 <~ (fn noise pair(prob, prob):
            match noise:
            (r3, r1):
                 noiseTprime7 <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
                 return (real2prob(noiseTprime7), r1)) <|>
                 noiseMprime9 <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
                 return (r3, real2prob(noiseMprime9))))
     return (x0, x17(x0) / x17(x16))
fn x4 pair(prob, prob):
x3 <~ x5(x4)
match x3:
(x1, x2):
  x0 <~ x0 <~ categorical
                ([min(1/1, x2),
                  real2prob(prob2real(1/1) - prob2real(min(1/1, x2)))])
        return [true, false][x0]
  return if x0: x1 else: x4

Note: You can run the hk-maple function on the resulting program to simplify it.

With our model defined and processed, we can now assign it values to generate samples from. For the sake of this example, let’s say that we observed temperature measurements of 29C and 26C. To use these values, we must turn our anonymous Hakaru functions into callable ones so that we can assign them the pair (29,26). For our transition kernel (thermometer_mcmc_processed.hk), this change would be:

therm = fn recurse pair(real, real):
 match recurse:
           return (rf, rd)))

Note: This is the simplified version of our transition kernel. Due to its length, this program has been shortened to make the changes more apparent.

After the same change, our target Hakru program (thermometer_disintegrate_simplify.hk) becomes:

thermometer = fn x8 pair(real, real):
 match x8:
 (r3, r1):
    (1/ pi * (1/2),
     nTd <~ uniform(+3/1, +8/1)
     nMb <~ uniform(+1/1, +4/1)
          ((nMb ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
            + nMb ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2
            + nTd ^ 2 * r1 ^ 2
            + nTd ^ 2 * r1 * r3 * (-2/1)
            + nTd ^ 2 * r3 ^ 2 * (+2/1)
            + nMb ^ 2 * r1 * (-42/1)
            + r3 * nMb ^ 2 * (-42/1)
            + r3 * nTd ^ 2 * (-42/1)
            + nMb ^ 2 * (+882/1)
            + nTd ^ 2 * (+441/1))
           / (nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)
           * (-1/2))
        / sqrt(real2prob(nMb ^ 4 + nTd ^ 2 * nMb ^ 2 * (+3/1) + nTd ^ 4)),
        return (real2prob(nTd), real2prob(nMb))))

With these alterations, we can finally use the hakaru command to generate samples from our model:

$ hakaru --transition-kernel thermometer_mcmc_processed.hk thermometer_disintegrate_simplify.hk
(3.1995679303602578, 2.3093879567135325)
(3.1995679303602578, 2.3093879567135325)
(3.1995679303602578, 3.664010086898677)
(3.1995679303602578, 3.664010086898677)
(3.512655151270474, 3.664010086898677)
(6.535434584595698, 3.664010086898677)
(7.944581473529944, 3.664010086898677)
(6.960163985266382, 3.664010086898677)
(6.960163985266382, 1.850724571692917)
(6.960163985266382, 1.850724571692917)
(6.960163985266382, 1.850724571692917)

In the Hakaru system definition paper1, a graph is generated from the data by collecting every fifth sample from 20,000 generated samples. You can create a file with this information by using an awk script, which can then be imported into a graphing software package such as Maple:

$ hakaru --transition-kernel thermometer_mcmc_processed.hk thermometer_disintegrate_simplify.hk | head -n 20000 | awk 'BEGIN{i = 0}{if (i % 5 == 0) a[i/5] = $0; i = i + 1}END{for (j in a) print a[j]}' > thermometer_output.txt

Extra: A Syntactic Definition

This tutorial demonstrates how both command line and syntactic Hakaru transforms can be used in the same problem. This might not always be necessary because you might be able to use only command line or only syntactic Hakaru transforms. For example, the thermometer model can be expressed using only syntactic transforms:

  fn x pair(real, real):
        fn noise pair(prob, prob):
          match noise:
           (noiseTprev, noiseMprev):
                    noiseTprime <~ uniform(3,8)
                    return (real2prob(noiseTprime), noiseMprev)) <|>
                   noiseMprime <~ uniform(1,4)
                   return (noiseTprev, real2prob(noiseMprime))))
          nT <~ uniform(3,8)
          nM <~ uniform(1,4)

          noiseT = real2prob(nT)
          noiseM = real2prob(nM)

          t1 <~ normal(21, noiseT)
          t2 <~ normal(t1, noiseT)

          m1 <~ normal(t1, noiseM)
          m2 <~ normal(t2, noiseM)

          return ((m1, m2), (noiseT, noiseM))))(x)

This Hakaru program will produce the same output program as the mixed-usage example when evaluated using hk-maple.

  1. P. Narayanan, J. Carette, W. Romano, C. Shan and R. Zinkov, “Probabilistic Inference by Program Transformation in Hakaru (System Description)”, Functional and Logic Programming, pp. 62-79, 2016.